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Soursop Turn to Chapelton

Soursop Turn to Chapelton



USD $13.2M

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(876) 578-3101



Soursop Turn to Chapelton Road Rehabilitation Project was Phase II of a government plan to improve main roads connecting the south coast to north coast. The project began in September 2014 and was completed in June 2017.

The infrastructure improvements included vast widening of the corridor, construction of retaining walls, storm water drains and installation of water pipes to supply communities along the 10.3 km thoroughfare. These improvements have raised the roadway to a Class B Main Road with widths up to 12.1m, inclusive of shoulders and sidewalks for the safety of pedestrians.

The following areas along the corridor were widened: Soursop Turn Bend, Coco Piece, Turners and Chapelton Town. The Box Culvert at Coco Piece we installed now drains a large controlled volume of water from the road and surrounding community more efficiently so that motorist and pedestrians who traverse there daily don’t have to contend with flooding.

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